Herbal wellness drinking

  • Wellness drinking
Wellness drinking

Wellness drinking

Integration of traditional Chinese Herb with Modern Latte Culture

Health benefits of natural herbs are well known. In Chinese Medicine, rather than prescribing a single herb. Different herbs are combined together in formulas base on the TCM diagnosis of patients to adjust imbalances, Many of the herbs are actually common spices we are familiar with,or fruits and ingredients that can be incorporated into daily cooking, when the right herbs areselected for the right conditions , we can achieve health benefitd through a simple choice we make daily, such as a cup of natural herbal latte.In addition to the acupuncture treatment, we encourage patients to revitalize their lives by trying our costom-blended herbal latte.  

Check out our Herbal wellness drinks:

  1. release stress&sleep

    Xiao cai hu tang

  2. expel body Toxin heat and enhance immune

    San Huang xie xin tang 

  3. Neck and shoulder pain

    Du huo ji sheng tang

  4. High blood pressure and dizzy

    Tian ma gou teng yin

  5. fatigue

    Yu ping feng shan

  6. lower back pain 

    Liu wei di huang tang


Contact Us

Contact: Junyi Acup

Phone: 4086504287

Tel: 650-946-8116

E-mail: lijin_deng@yahoo.com

Add: 1590 Oakland Rd B101, San Jose, CA 95131